On November 21, 2017, Health Canada released a consultation document titled “Proposed Approach to the Regulation of Cannabis”. The purpose of this consultation document was to solicit public input and […] Read More >>
          The food industry is faced with an exciting regulatory agenda for 2018. Various regulations such as the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR), certain Food […] Read More >>
    The definition of blood pressure and its associated guidelines have recently been updated in the United States. Previously, high blood pressure was defined by the threshold blood pressure […] Read More >>
Service(s) related to this article:  Health Sciences Consulting January 15, 2018 – New Substance Notification for Importing in or Manufacturing a Substance and its Products in Canada In December, Health […] Read More >>
      On January 04, 2018, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced their position on enforcement discretion for certain Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Regulations. Specifically, […] Read More >>
As consultants, we are often asked by clients about Food Safety Liability. In particular, clients are interested in knowing what risks are associated with failing to comply with certain regulations […] Read More >>
On October 25th, 2017 during the 115th US Congress Meeting, Senator Orrin Hatch (Representative of Utah) introduced to the US Senate the “FDA Cosmetic Safety and Modernization Act”. The declared […] Read More >>
        What happens and who is responsible for beverage product containers after your customer has enjoyed and disposed of them? If you sell or distribute beverage products […] Read More >>
The Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) is currently following up on a Notice to Impacted Stakeholders that was issued on September 22, 2016, requesting changes to the labels […] Read More >>
Dear Licence Holder, Please be advised that a Summary Safety Review (SSR) has been published by Health Canada on November 15, 2017, regarding green tea extract (GTE)-containing natural health products (NHPs). Health […] Read More >>
  Post-market vigilance of drug, biologic and supplement products has been steadily increasing in recent years, not only domestically but internationally as well. For example, Health Canada recently completed a […] Read More >>
  Service(s) related to this article: Consulting – Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) support in meeting requirements, Audits – Assessing readniness for the Food Safety Modernization Act, Global Certifications The […] Read More >>
We are writing to advise you that a Summary Safety Review (SSR) will be published on November 15, 2017, regarding green tea extract (GTE)-containing natural health products (NHPs). Attached is […] Read More >>
Service(s) related to this article:  Food Labeling, Nutrition Claims and Nutrition Facts Label (USA), Food Labelling, Health Claims and Nutrition Facts Table (Canada), Regulatory Compliance for Ingredients found in Consumer […] Read More >>
Service(s) related to this article”: GMP, prerequisite, HACCP and GFSI program development and implementation, Food Labelling, Health Claims and Nutrition Facts Table (NFT), Organic Certification, Gluten-Free Certification On October 23rd […] Read More >>
    Service(s) related to this article:  Food Labelling, Health Claims and Nutrition Facts Table (Canada), Preparing for the Safe Food for Canadians Act (SFCA) Earlier this year, we wrote […] Read More >>
    Service(s) related to this article:  Dietary Supplement Substantiation and Product Development The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that a notification from the manufacturer, packager or distributor of […] Read More >>
    Service(s) related to this article:  Food & Beverages, Supplements & Natural Health, Safe Food for Canadians (SFCA) The Safe Food for Canadians Regulations will undoubtedly have a significant […] Read More >>
  Service(s) related to this article:  Strategy & Consulting, Market Authorization In September of 2016, a proposal was made by Health Canada regarding a number of changes to the regulatory […] Read More >>
  Service(s) related to this article:  Dietary Supplement Consulting, Food Compliance Consulting, New Dietary Ingredients FDA has scheduled a public meeting on October 3, 2017 to discuss developing a list […] Read More >>