The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has released updated guidance on the proposed Safe Food for Canadians Act (SFCA) and its associated regulations. Included in the release is a step-by-step […] Read More >>
Since the implementation of the Natural Health Product Regulations (NHPR) on January 1, 2004 a number of products in food formats supplemented with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbal and bioactive […] Read More >>
Last summer, Health Canada implemented the Plain Language Labelling criteria for non-prescription products and has mandated that by June 30, 2021, all products must be compliant at the retail level. […] Read More >>
The Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) is currently following up on a Notice to Impacted Stakeholders that was issued on September 22, 2016, requesting changes to the labels […] Read More >>
Service(s) related to this article:  Food Labeling, Nutrition Claims and Nutrition Facts Label (USA), Food Labelling, Health Claims and Nutrition Facts Table (Canada), Regulatory Compliance for Ingredients found in Consumer […] Read More >>
    Service(s) related to this article:  Food Labelling, Health Claims and Nutrition Facts Table (Canada), Preparing for the Safe Food for Canadians Act (SFCA) Earlier this year, we wrote […] Read More >>
  Service(s) related to this article:  Strategy & Consulting, Market Authorization In September of 2016, a proposal was made by Health Canada regarding a number of changes to the regulatory […] Read More >>
  Service(s) related to this article:  Low Risk Veterinary Health Product On August 10th, 2017, Health Canada sent an email notice to all stakeholders involved in the LRVHP Interim Notification […] Read More >>
CFIA’s Phase III of Key Proposals to Modernize the Food Labeling System in Canada: Consultation Open Service(s) Related to Post: Product & Label Development, Food & Beverages There are several […] Read More >>
On November 14, 2016, Health Canada released the consultation document “Toward Front-of-Package Nutrition Labels for Canadians” outlining their proposal to introduce mandatory requirements for labels that appear on “Front of […] Read More >>
Going Gluten-Free?
January 25, 2017 By
Gluten a common name for proteins found in wheat, rye and barley – which also means “glue” in Latin. Found commonly in breads, cereals, pastas and many other processed foods […] Read More >>
December 14, 2016 Canada Gazette II Publishes Amended Food Label Regulations On December 14, 2016 Health Canada announced amendments to the Food and Drug Regulations in reference to the labelling […] Read More >>
Healthy eating can be challenging due to several factors, some beyond the control of the consumer. This is why the Government of Canada is taking actions to make the healthier […] Read More >>
Advertising Standards Canada prepares revised guideline for claims that can be made on marketed health products with new guidance for medical devices and vaccines. On September 23, 2016 the Advertising […] Read More >>
If you are at all involved in the manufacturing and/or sale of Natural Health Products, you no doubt have heard of Health Canada’s proposal concerning the Regulation of Self-Care Products […] Read More >>
On September 8, Health Canada’s Food Directorate issued a call for scientific data and information on Cyclospora cayetanensis on fresh leafy vegetables. Cyclospora cayetanensis is a microorganism that causes disease […] Read More >>
On August 24, Health Canada’s Food Directorate issued a Notice of Modification to Enable the Use of Steviol Glycosides (the active ingredient in stevia leaf extract) as a Sweetener in […] Read More >>
August 08, 2016 Marketed Health Products Directorate provides Summary Safety Review for Alpha Lipoic Acid. In an effort to increase transparency and consumer safety, Health Canada’s Marketed Health Products Directorate […] Read More >>
June 13, 2016 Canadian Food Inspection Agency updates the Industry Labelling Tool on Allergen-Free, Gluten-Free and Precautionary Statements. With the rising popularity of Gluten-Free foods and the proposed increase in […] Read More >>
Health Canada’s Natural and Non-prescription Health Product Directorate (NNHPD) has confirmed the clinical efficacy of Gelita’s Verisol collagen peptide for improving skin physiology. Please click the link to read more: Verisol […] Read More >>