On December 20, 2022, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published “Health Products Compliance Guidance” for advertising and marketing health claims. The guidance document replaces “Dietary Supplements: An Advertising Guide for […] Read More >>
Clinical research in Canada has seen a significant uptick in interest from Sponsors and Investigators since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This interest is perhaps a precipitate of increasing […] Read More >>
With the recent announcement that Coronovirus has gone pandemic, consumers are flooding supermarkets, and preparing for indeterminate periods of self-isolation. All the while the marketplace is reeling, seeing demand for […] Read More >>
What are Clinical Trials? Clinical trials are a type of biomedical research that is conducted to help doctors and researchers learn more about health, diseases, and effective treatments in order […] Read More >>
Health claims are integral to the success of Natural Health Products (NHPs) here in Canada. They provide products with a competitive edge in the marketplace and consumers with the information […] Read More >>
On February 11, 2019, FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb announced that the regulatory framework for dietary supplements is expected to change. It has been determined that changes are necessary due […] Read More >>
The Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) handbook was recently published to help businesses understand the requirements and the implications they may have. Now that 2019 is just around the […] Read More >>
  We have received notice that the Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) will initiate a new policy with respect to post-licence audit failures. The NNHPD implemented a new […] Read More >>
Companies marketing dietary supplements aim to make claims for their products in order to help successfully market their products/product lines. As such, claims being made for dietary supplements are a […] Read More >>
Topics covered: Canada: Consultations & Regulatory Initiatives Food Safety & Initiatives United States: Proposition 37 – Genetically Engineered Foods, Labeling, Initiative Statute Energy Drink Controversey Status of Draft NDI Guidance [&helli Read More >>
By Heather VanBlarcom General Counsel & Senior Regulatory Specialist for Dietary Supplements At the NBJ Summit last week in Dana Point, CA, David C. Vladeck, the Director of the Federal […] Read More >>
By: Ashleigh Hampton, MSc Manager, Scientific Affairs Supporting evidence is required by both the Canadian and American regulatory bodies to substantiate marketed health claims. Health Canada reviews the evidence to […] Read More >>
Coconut oil has recently garnered significant attention in the natural health products industry for some very marketable uses such as weight loss. However, the use of coconut oil is not […] Read More >>
By: Ashleigh Hampton, MSc Manager, Scientific Affairs On May 23, 2012, the Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD) released the Draft: Pathway for Licensing Natural Health Products (NHPs) Making Modern Health […] Read More >>
Kava in Canada
April 30, 2012 By
By David Miller, BSc, ND NHP Scientific Regulatory Associate Kava (Piper methysticum; kava kava) has traditionally been used as an anxiolytic by western herbalists (Felter and Lloyd 1898) for over […] Read More >>
By: Ashleigh Hampton, MSc, Manager Scientific Affairs March 19, 2012 The Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD) released the Evidence for Safety and Efficacy of Finished Natural Health Products (NHPs) guidance […] Read More >>