Non-GMO Labelling and Organic Certification

Transparent Non-GMO labelling is currently a subject of intense focus and has been called for by consumers and many retailers are taking note and asking this information of their suppliers. While Health Canada has not set out any specific regulations surrounding this area, retailers are stepping up the ante, and industry may soon find itself at crossroads on this issue.


Organic Certification in Canada is governed federally by the Organic Products Regulations with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency deploying a Canada Organic Regime to ensure that products certified as organic meet the definition as set out by the Regulations. Being certified as “Organic” is a testament to the naturally-occurring, environmentally-sustainable and humane animal welfare practices instilled in the production of food, drink and agricultural products.


Our Services in Non-GMO Labelling and Organic Certification include:

  • Assistance with obtaining a “Non-GMO Project Verified seal”
  • Support with ongoing testing for all “at-risk” ingredients
  • Aiding with traceability and segregation practices for ingredients
  • Support for GMO audits
  • Determination of organic status of ingredients, products and processes
  • Evaluation of suitability of ingredients, products, and processes for organic certification
  • Preparing Applications for Organic certification


dicentra can assist you with determining the feasibility for, and achievement of, accurate and transparent non-GMO labels and organic certifications for your ingredients and products.


Contact us to speak to one of our regulatory experts to help your business grow and ensure ongoing organic compliance.