Product Classification

Product Classification is the single most important step when preparing a product for the Canadian market place. It is vital to correctly determine the classification of your product to ensure you are in compliance with the appropriate regulations. Due to continual changes in the regulatory landscape it can be particularly challenging to know how to gain market access compliantly. This makes it increasingly important to first have your product reviewed for classification and confirmation of status.

When performing a Product Classification, one should ask the following questions:

  • Is it a food, food-like NHP, NHP, cosmetic, OTC or medical device?
  • What are the advantages/disadvantages of a particular route?
  • Where will I get the best claims for my product?
  • Will my product require reformulation in order to be eligible for a specific route?
  • What type of licensing and regulations apply to each product category?
  • What are the time lines and associated costs?

We at dicentra are unique, in that our staff has first-hand knowledge of the food, NHP, cosmetic, OTC and consumer health products regulations with past experience working in both government and industry. We also have experience advocating on behalf of clients to Health Canada, and we have regular contact and an established relationship with the government in order to facilitate classification determination in a timely manner. We encourage companies to invest the time to determine the most appropriate market placement and to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of a particular route.