Dear stakeholders, The Application Management Policy outlines the way in which Product Licence Applications for natural health products are submitted in accordance with the Natural Health Products Regulations. The […] Read More >>
  Watch the recording of this webinar by clicking here. The regulatory solution many have been waiting for may be on the horizon with the recent regulatory proposal: Natural Health […] Read More >>
  As you may know, the Natural Health Product (NHP) Raw Material Policy was recently removed from the Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD) website in order for it to be […] Read More >>
  From the Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) eNews April 30th edition: Great News for NHP Industry Draft regulatory amendment to be published in Canada Gazette Part I CHFA has […] Read More >>
  Anne Wilkie, Senior Regulatory Strategy & Policy Advisor, will be representing Dicentra at the International Pharmaceutical Academy’s Dietary Supplements & Natural Health Products Conference in Montreal on April 21 […] Read More >>
  It seems without a doubt that increasing global regulatory requirements for natural health products are here to stay. International bodies such as the NHPD (Canada), FDA (U.S.), EMEA/EFSA (European […] Read More >>
  Jon-Paul Powers, Ph.D., of dicentra will present at the Natural Health Product Research Society Conference in Vancouver, B.C., Canada Feb 18 – 21, 2009. Dr. Jon-Paul Powers will present […] Read More >>
– Wednesday, January 21, 2009 Health Canada is currently in the process of drafting a guidance document to help industry differentiate between Foods and Natural Health Products (NHPs). This is […] Read More >>
There is a lot of buzz in the industry over what will happen come January 1, 2010, as if hordes of inspectors and customs agents are just waiting to pounce […] Read More >>