On April 24, 2024, Health Canada published amendments to the Cosmetics Regulations in Canada. These amendments, detailed in the Cosmetic Regulations under the Food and Drugs Act, signify important changes […] Read More >>
On Thursday, September 21, 2023, representatives from dicentra attended the CHFA Now’s Regulatory Forum in Toronto in order to stay informed and be able to provide our clients, prospects, and […] Read More >>
Dietary supplement marketers selling on Amazon are now being asked to provide testing results and other manufacturing information on their supplement products in order to remain on Amazon’s site for […] Read More >>
    Service(s) related to this article:  Food Labelling, Health Claims and Nutrition Facts Table (Canada), Preparing for the Safe Food for Canadians Act (SFCA) Earlier this year, we wrote […] Read More >>
The original article is found here. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is charged with oversight over cosmetics. However, unlike other products FDA regulates, such as drugs, foods, and tobacco, the […] Read More >>
William Morkel, BSc Senior Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Dicentra From late September to mid October the NHPD will be holding information sessions in Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, and Halifax […] Read More >>