FDA Food Facility Registration Renewal – Now Ready

October 24, 2012 By

On October 22, 2012 the FDA announced that they are now ready to receive registration renewals for domestic and foreign manufacturers that process, pack or hold food for human or animal consumption. FDA requires that food facility registration renewal be completed biennially.

Biannual registration renewal for food facilities began on October 22, 2012. Although the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) required all domestic and foreign manufacturers, processors, packers or holders of food for human or animal consumption to begin registered renewal on October 1, 2012 there was a delay by the FDA in the implementation of the registration system. However, the system is now ready to accept food facility registration renewals1.

Although food producers and manufacturers have long been required to register with the FDA, the FSMA is said to improve the registration process by ensuring, among other things, that the FDA has accurate contact information for each facility. The new registration includes new food categories to help the FDA communicate with the right facilities in the event of an emergency.

Facilities should be prepared to register by the December 31 deadline because it is unclear at this point as to whether the FDA will extend the registration deadline beyond December 31st to make up for the delay in implementation.

dicentra will be sure to advise of any changes in the FDA food facility registration system. If you have any questions, please contact us. We can be reached at 1-866-647-3279 or info@dicentra.com

