What are Clinical Trials? Clinical trials are a type of biomedical research that is conducted to help doctors and researchers learn more about health, diseases, and effective treatments in order […] Read More >>
The NHPD has Transitioned the Assessment of NHP Clinical Trial Applications (for primary indications inappropriate for self-care) and Adverse Reaction Reporting to the TPD. Health Canada informed the industry through […] Read More >>
Kava in Canada
April 30, 2012 By
By David Miller, BSc, ND NHP Scientific Regulatory Associate Kava (Piper methysticum; kava kava) has traditionally been used as an anxiolytic by western herbalists (Felter and Lloyd 1898) for over […] Read More >>
By Arwen Brooks Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Assistant With the explosion of the natural health product and functional food industry, and the subsequent rules and regulations that have been […] Read More >>
Health Canada Natural Health Products Directorate – NHPD http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/prodnatur/index-eng.php NHPD Releases its Status of Applications Quarterly Report: Quarter 1 NHYPD has received 62201 PLA from Jan 1, 2004 to June […] Read More >>