HACCP preventive control plans have become common place terms in the food industry. Hazard analysis and critical control points or HACCP is a system that can be used at all stages of a food chain as a preventative approach to ensure food safety from potential biological, chemical and physical hazards in the production process that can cause the finished product to be unsafe. Implementing a HAACP plan provides measures or Preventive Control Plans to reduce these risks to a safe level.

In Canada the Safe Food for Canadians Act (SFCA), in addition to licensing requirements, is requiring all Canadian importers, exporters and companies involved in the interprovincial trade of food products to demonstrate that they have effective Preventive Control Plans in place. Similarly, in the United States, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) has over 90 deliverables required for food product establishments. Many of these are similar to the Canadian requirements.  Both Acts are designed to ensure that food safety, labeling and trade requirements are being met.

Implementing HACCP certification and Preventive Control Plans not only demonstrates to your customers your commitment to producing and handling food in a safe manner but will also prove to be particularly beneficial when you are subject to inspection by regulatory authorities or pursuing a HACCP related certification program, such as GFSI.

Our in house food safety experts regularly carry out HACCP audits specific to our clients’ operations to outline any potential hazards that could compromise food safety and hygiene. We then implement all of the required procedures, limits, corrective actions, verifications, documentation and training to achieve full HACCP compliance.

For HACCP Certification and Preventive Control Plans we provide the following services:

  • Conduct a full audit of your operations to identify potential biological, chemical or physical hazards and critical control points
  • Establish required critical control limits
  • Establish all systems required to monitor the critical control points and implement corrective actions
  • Establish a verification system to ensure that the HACCP plan is working effectively to reduce safety risks
  • Establish all required documentation, record keeping forms and train all relevant staff members
  • Evaluate vendors and suppliers for compliance with HACCP