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dicentra offers convenient online training courses for GMP for Dietary Supplements (USA), GMP for Natural Health Products (Canada), and HACCP.

Companies involved in Manufacturing, Packing, Labeling, or Importing Operations for Natural Health Products in Canada must have a Site License issued by Health Canada. Obtaining and maintaining a Site License requires ongoing training for staff in Good Manufacturing Practices.


Companies involved in the Manufacturing, Packing, Labeling, or Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements require ongoing training for staff in Good Manufacturing Practices.


GMP training can be very expensive as it often requires travel to an offsite location or having a trainer appear onsite. To address this dicentra has produced GMP Online Training USA for Dietary Supplements and GMP Online Training Canada for Natural Health Products. This is an online portal that provides companies with a one year membership to unlimited and easily accessible GMP training. The comprehensive program includes training videos, training documents, quizzes to check up on GMP knowledge and certificates of course completion to help supplement your GMP documentation with proof of training.